Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cold Steel 90PTH Review

Customer reviews for Cold Steel 90PTH

Category: Sports
Brand: Cold Steel
Model: 90PTH
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days.
List Price : N/A
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Read Cold Steel 90PTH User Reviews

Cold Steel 90PTH Review by John C. Ruffino

I will admit that I got this trench hawk for no "good" or "real" reason - I got it because I was in a bit of an arms race with my neighbor. It is also pretty good to have in general -- you know -- for highly unrealistic "home defense" situations.

This is a very nice tomahawk, BUT I do have one complaint about it. This is not good for chopping wood (at all) which is the only legal/practical thing I think this can actually be used for. Unlike competitor's tomahawks (for example, the SOG - which my neighbor has) Cold Steel's design is flawed because of the handle. The blade is mounted in-between the handle, so anything that is chopped will stop halfway through the blade because of the handle. If, like the SOG model, Cold Steel made it so the handle originates INSIDE of the blade, this would not be a problem.

Cold Steel does a great job demonstrating how their products can: be thrown through a jug of water, pierce medieval armor, cut assorted pieces of hanging meat, smash cattle/pig skulls, and break blocks of ice -- let's be honest, unless you are Lynn Thompson, you wont be doing this often or at all. ever.

Cold Steel 90PTH Review by XIII "Advice is free its Trust that Costs you... (Behind you ... Now!)

Okay So I got this Hawk for the Cool Combat style Hawk JIC ... Zombie Invasion .. Back up doesnt have to reload..... etc.... Not for any practical woods application or home chopping lest yab be the serial killing type savvy ? Its a partial Tang Style with a grip added to the tang on the top so theoretically if you were surviving you could just unbolt the handle and use as a hand tool. The Edge is for cutting flesh really thats the best way to put iit its not a Firefighting "girl" Axe and its not for chopping wood as the spike end might penetrate you when ur tired and throw back too far and this will ICU your for a few days as its going to split your cage and the organs its touches. As for the guy who said the Con about a belt loop try this:
Get an Omega Carabiner and slide that sucker in ther I recommend you keep the safety cover on like i said this isnt a 45 deg wood killers its a 20 to 35 deg beast slayer. And the weight now if your blu collar or enjoy the fine use of weights then you shouldnt have any problem wielding but if your a DnD nerd well dont expect to be jumping around twirling this sucker just practice stable swings until ur arms adjust that way you dont hurt yourself. Thanks Out.

Cold Steel 90PTH Review by tule_elk6x6

Used this on a recent campout in Colorado. Used it to clean off some branches for tent poles and it worked great. It cut nicely due to its curved blade which I had sharpened prior. Held a good edge thru all of the cutting. Nice balance.

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Cold Steel 90PTH::Description

The Trench Hawk may well be the perfect antidote to the raw terror of eyeball to eyeball combat in the confined spaces of a trench, bunker, alley or narrow hallway. All it takes is one stroke from either the vicious cutting edge or its brutal wedge shaped spike to end the fight, and if the party starts at longer range the Trench Hawk's twin -Inchbusiness ends-Inch make an accurate throw a breeze, since there's double the chance of a lethal hit. When used defensively, the Trench Hawk's cutting edge and spike also provide a big advantage, as either can be used for hooking or trapping and, like our Spike Hawk, their combined length can be used to parry or block an incoming blow. Drop forged from 5150 carbon steel and differentially hardened, the head of the Trench Hawk will withstand tremendous blows and the awful stress of continued throwing.

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